Weight Loss Tips – Acupressure and Japanese finger pressure method can be vital role against the war with extra weight. By means of Japanese acupressure, the finger pressure method as weight loss tips, you can reduce up to seven pounds a week.
Although this sounds too good to be true, it’s not. You’ll be able to eat what ever you want after learning this simple, drug-free method of hunger reduction.
You’ll lose weight after using Japanese acupressure, the finger pressure method as weight loss tips because you’ll find that you don’t want to eat huge amounts anymore.
Weight Loss Tips - Basic of Acupressure
The basic of acupressure as weight loss tips is that there are key points on your body. These key points are in direct relation with the hunger center of your brain.
So by simply massaging these key points with your fingertips when you get the binging urge of hunger, you can stop these urges from reaching your brain.
Working Of Acupressure
Midway between your upper lip and the nose, the key pressure point for dulling appetite lies. Before each meal, place thumb inside lip and index finger outside lip and massage 10 seconds moderately. Massage the pressure point up and down.
Weight Loss tips - Other Acupressure Techniques
You will need to learn a couple of other acupressure techniques as weight loss tips if you find your appetite perks up when you are under a great deal of stress or perhaps when you’re depressed.
Technique to Subside the Hunger
* This one of the weight loss tips will help you to subside the hunger, which is getting out of depression. Try massaging the point just below the root of the nail on the little finger of your left hand if you are about to binge because you are depressed.
* Start on the ring-finger side of the little finger and massage with your right hand toward the outside of the little for 10 seconds.
* Massage the point two-finger widths below the knuckle at the base of the index finger and half a finger width toward the thumb if your appetite increases due to stress. Massage the point on both hands with your thumb. This one of the weight loss tips can help you a lot in reducing your hunger.
* Massage the point halfway between your navel and breastbone in a circular motion for 10 seconds with your thumb if you get a hollow, hungry feeling at the pit of your stomach. The hunger pangs should subside right way with this particular one of the weight loss tips.
Finger pressure is the final breakthrough in weight loss. Finally, you can shed the weight you want to using a fast, simple and healthy methods of weight loss tips.
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Weight Loss Tips – Acupressure and Japanese Finger Pressure Method